A Master Trainer & Coach within the Health sector
Helping others navigate change
Jocelyn can assist you to build your skills toolbox, become a master re-programmer and experience confident management of intrapersonal, interpersonal and situational challenges.
Jocelyn has postgraduate qualifications in education, training and coaching. She has past experience as an industry trainer. Jocelyn understands both your work and personal worlds. She can help you to develop the following skills to build coping resiliency & increase wellbeing:
Skills to build coping resiliency & increase wellbeing:
- Communication: assertiveness & conflict management
- Emotion regulation (including anger & anxiety management)
- Confidence-building
- Distress tolerance
- Leadership & influencing
- Relaxation (including self-hypnosis)
- Stress management
- Time management skills: S.M.A.R.T goals
- Political skills
- Values & strengths clarification
- Problem solving
- Mindfulness meditation skills